Sunday, May 17, 2020

Turning in for the night

The marina in Beaufort has a nice anchorage  and we feel secure. After burgers on the grill and the best guacamole north of ol’ Mehico, the captain turned in early while I stayed up to seek and destroy SimRad and Navionics. I have us plotted all the way to a major sound that starts with a “P” somewhere south of VA. I can’t wait for Captain Ralph’s response to this vivid description of our course tomorrow morning- His eyes will roll faster than the waves spinning off tropical storm Arthur! With any luck, I will get it on film. At the P- sound, we will make the decision to head inland up the river or cross the open water. No chance of going on the outside as the weather is rough out there. 

Our course is plotted perfectly. OK it is nearly perfect. Alright I didn’t really stop plotting due to the weather contingency. The damn SimRad was really lagging and then it reset in the middle of plotting the last section. We are leaving at the crack of dawn and I feared the captain would awaken in a panic thinking the ship was sinking if he heard my cursing! Mother eff I hope those plots work tomorrow!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hey guys! Going to try this again on the desktop and Emma's account (sorry Em). Have a safe day and we will keep watching! Love your blog RJ
