Friday, May 29, 2020

Here is some media. The GoPro is ready to roll. Drone is next!

An old sail boat from Rockport, Maine

We were in awe of this sailboat, named "Thalia." I paced it off at around 120-150'.

It had electric stairs for the dock and a steering wheel that must have been 6' in diameter! It didn't appear as though you could see forward from the helm though. I would love to see inside this beast.

Along the waterfront there was a lighthouse prism.

Cruising up the Chesapeake

Support the economy. Burn diesel!

The Captain took a (couple of) naps while I motored up the Chesapeake. That makes Ralph the COCKSWAIN!

Well, what he doesn't know won't hurt him, or his precious Betsy and her twin Cummins! FULL STEAM AHEAD!!! Ralphie Props knows economic stimulus. He also isn't paying for the fuel ;).

This massive ship was running damn near our speed at 20-22 knots. I didn't realize these big ships were so fast. It was huge. I wondered how many gallons they were burning per hour? The smoke stack was puffing hard. I cut him off at the pass to get by, since he had to stay in the channel but 50' of water was plenty for ol' Betsy. Mooooove ship, get out the way!

When the Captain awoke from his nap, I put him to work making us some cheese and cracker snacks.

China stopped buying garbage from the U.S. a while back. This is a bigger problem than you may realize. This load appeared to be scrap metal. I love giving Z a hard time. Love my dogs tho Z!

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